
Public Address Systems

Public Address Systems

A Public Address System is a necessary component for buildings, such as school, offices, business buildings etc. A Public Address System should serve its purpose efficiently, which includes public messages or announcements, emergency evacuations etc. TEC is involved in the provision, installment and maintenance of highly efficacious and efficient Public Address Systems all across Pakistan with satisfactory results. TEC provides an excellent PA system by working with numerous and highly capable Brands, such as Bosch, Honeywell and more.

System Solution

It consists of an IP System, namely Plena, pavior and presidio (Fully IP System).

TEC utilizes an IP System format for Public Address Systems to allow transmission of signals at the strongest possible levels of standard, availability and pliability, with reliable and easy integration as well providing a clear, crisp and audible message.

We provide

  • Speakers {(ceiling, cabinet, BDS (bi-direction sound)}
  • call station (desktop, remote)
  • Power amplifiers
  • Mixer amplifier
  • paging system
  • Main controllers
  • BGM System (background music)
  • Volume controllers

TEC allows provision and installation of this equipment, followed by update with the most up to date software and integration, allowing smooth operation and producing quality sound.

We also provide maintenance to avoid future problems and complications with the required updates if needed.

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